Love one another as I have loved you

(John 15:22)

Heritage Presbyterian Church’s Mission Statement

Heritage Presbyterian Church is a community united by our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We hold dear to the Lord’s Commandment to “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:22 ) and to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27-28). We strive to serve God through quality worship and grounded Christian Education. We demonstrate our commitment to love our neighbors by providing help to those in need, whether in our community, our nation or our world.


We are your neighbor and part of your community. Heritage Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). If you are new to the neighborhood or looking for a church home, please join us for worship or sign up for our online newsletter to learn more about who we are. Are you looking for a smaller faith group gathering? Check out our Events page to learn about our Wednesday Night Gathering Bible Study.

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A Blessing Box for All.

Neighbors helping neighbors. Our Blessing Box is open 24/7 to the community. There are only two rules: 1. Take what you need; and 2. Leave what you can. Donations can be left right in the Blessing Box or can be dropped off at the church during business hours.

 Heritage Presbyterian Church is a Presbyterian Church U.S.A. congregation

and a member of Synod of the Covenant and Eastminster Presbytery

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